Bhosari Teens, Led by Aayush Teli, Prevent Kidnapping and Earn Praise for Bravery

Aayush and his friends’ swift actions and detailed information assisted the police in tracing the rickshaw. Authorities arrived at the scene and were able to locate the girl, who was safely reunited with her family.

Aayush’s father, Abhilash Teli, shared details of the incident, emphasizing how Aayush and his friends responded when they noticed something suspicious. “I told him not to shy away from fighting injustice in society. Don’t think about the consequences; focus on solving the problem. I am very proud of him,” he added when asked about his feelings regarding his son’s bravery.

Aayush reflected on the incident, saying, “This was the first time I experienced something like this. With the rise in cases of violence and the fact that I have a sister at home, I felt a personal responsibility to act. I thought if we didn’t stop this now, it could happen to my sister tomorrow.”

In a Facebook post, Mahesh Landge, MLA of Bhosari constituency, praised Ayush and his friends for their bravery. Landge highlighted the importance of young people stepping up to protect others, stating, “We must cultivate a generation like Aayush and his friends, who not only act courageously but also inspire others to combat wrongdoing in society.”

The Swadesha Society expressed immense pride in Aayush and his friends, commending their bravery and noting that their actions serve as an inspiration for many. They celebrated their heroism and expressed gratitude for their role in saving a life.

Ayush Abhilash Teli and his friends’ heroic act has brought admiration and respect, illustrating how courage and quick thinking can make a significant difference in critical situations.