If you use these 10 phrases regularly, you have very high level of emotional intelligence

If you use these 10 phrases regularly, you have very high level of emotional intelligence

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Table of Contents

1. “I understand how you feel”:

Empathy in action. You show you’re listening and trying to connect.

1. "I understand how you feel":

2. “I’m sorry, I was wrong”:

Humility and growth mindset. You take responsibility and pave the way to move on. 3. “Can you help me understand?”: Openness to learning. You show respect for another’s perspective and actively seek clarity.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong"

3. “I appreciate your patience”:

Acknowledges and values the other person’s time and understanding.

"I appreciate your patience":

4. “Let’s find a solution”:

Collaborative spirit. You shift focus to working together for a win-win.

 "Let's find a solution":

5. “I’m here for you”:

Offers support and builds trust. You show you care and are someone they can rely on.

"I'm here for you":

6. “I need some time to think”:

Emotional self-awareness. You avoid making rash decisions and prioritize clear thinking.

"I need some time to think":

7. “I value your opinion”:

Makes others feel respected and heard. You encourage open communication.

"I value your opinion":

8. “Thank you”:

Shows appreciation, a cornerstone of positive relationships. You acknowledge their efforts and contributions.

 "Thank you":

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