According to a report by Apple Insider, the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will feature a 48MP primary camera with an f/1.6 aperture and 2x optical telephoto zoom, similar to last year’s models. However, the new models are expected to come with an improved ultra-wide-angle lens that can take pictures at 0.5x zoom, with an aperture upgrade from f/2.4 to f/2.2. This enhancement could potentially allow more light to hit the sensor, improving low-light photography capabilities. Additionally, the iPhone 16 series is rumored to include macro photography support for the first time.
Design Changes and Other Rumors
Previous leaks and dummy images suggest that Apple may be shifting to a vertical pill-shaped camera cutout for the iPhone 16 series, resembling the iPhone X, rather than the diagonal camera setup of the iPhone 15. This new design is reportedly aimed at enabling the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus to capture spatial video, enhancing the overall camera functionality.
Launch Date and Availability
While a poster circulating on social media hinted at a September 10 launch, it was later revealed to be a fan-made creation. However, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, a trusted source, has confirmed that Apple is indeed planning a major hardware launch event on September 10. The iPhone 16 series is expected to be available for purchase starting September 20.