The deceased has been identified as 28-year-old Gauri Subhash Patil who was posted with the local arms division of Mumbai Police. Patil, a resident of Kandivali (East), was admitted to Axis Hospital in Andheri (West) for the surgery on Wednesday, August 28.
Gauri’s brother said that the surgery was scheduled for Friday, August 30, but doctors suddenly decided to do it on Thursday, August 29. She was administered anaesthesia before the surgery, but her condition deteriorated
He further stated that doctors told the family that her condition had deteriorated as her blood pressure drastically dropped and she had to be shifted to the ICU. After a few hours, they told us that she was no more without giving any clear reason. Later, they found out that she died due to anaesthesia overdose.
After the police control room was informed, officials from Amboli police station visited the hospital. The body was taken to Cooper Hospital for a post-mortem.
It is only after the post-mortem that the doctors will be able to ascertain if she died following an anaesthesia overdose. The police, for now, have filed an accidental death case. However, Amboli police have initiated an investigation into the matter.