Environmentalist Anant Gharat has sent a letter to Pune Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar, urging the protection of the entire Sahyadri mountain range that borders Pune. Anant Gharat, an environmentalist, stated, “Every hill in Pune, including Vetal Tekdi, must be conserved and protected. For this reason, I have written to Deputy CM of Maharashtra Ajit Pawar, along with the PMC, requesting effective measures to prevent the destruction of hills.”
Anant Gharat also sent a letter to Pune Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar, highlighting that “Hingne Khurd is part of the bio-vulnerable zone, and unauthorized logging of the mountain adjacent to the Taljai Pachgaon forest area is still ongoing. As an environmentalist, I continue to raise complaints regularly. Despite these complaints, the damage to the mountain persists. We urge you to implement the ‘Ladke Dongar’ scheme similar to the ‘Ladki Bahin’ scheme to protect the people of Pune, the environment, and the Sahyadri mountains, which ultimately benefit Pune city.”