The letter also warns that the replica could lead to unrest, emphasizing that certain people who will be held responsible for the replica’s construction, will also be held accountable for any misfortune arising from disrespecting Sikh sentiments.
The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has decided to send a team to Pune to investigate the replica’s construction. The controversy highlights sensitivities surrounding religious symbols and the importance of respecting diverse faith traditions.
While speaking to Pune Pulse, Bacchan Singh Kalyani, Lalit Singh Diddee and Navneet Singh Gandhi from Pune Sikh Sangat said that this is hurting the religious sentiments of the Sikh community. We have approached the Pune Police, Pune Collector in this matter. The committee from Amritsar will be here in Pune shortly to oversee the concern and shall take appropriate action.