Bhawani Peth, 22nd August 2024: The Samarth police have detained two minor boys in connection with the alleged rape of a 13-year-old schoolgirl on April 15. The incident, which came to light months later, has also led to charges against two other boys and a woman who are accused of forcing the victim to consume alcohol and recording the assault on video.
The girl’s father filed a complaint with the Samarth police station on Tuesday, resulting in an FIR being registered under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The detained boys, aged 16 and 17, were presented before the Juvenile Justice Board, which has ordered their placement in an observation home.
Senior Police Inspector Umesh Gite shared details of the case, noting that although the crime occurred in April, the girl disclosed the incident to her parents only on August 20. “The girl’s mother noticed unusual behavior and, after inquiring, the girl revealed what had happened,” Gite explained.
According to the police, the eighth-grade student became friends with the four boys through a woman who was a mutual acquaintance. “The woman took the girl in an autorickshaw to the house of one of the suspects, who is currently at large, and persuaded her to drink alcohol. The girl has accused two minor boys of raping her at different locations in the city, while another suspect, also on the run, allegedly filmed the assault,” Gite added.
The police are continuing their investigation and efforts are underway to locate the remaining suspects involved in the case.