Indapur, 19th August 2024: A video of a Police Constable’s son firing a revolver recently went viral in Pune. Following this, the Walchand Nagar Police have filed a case against the constable and his children. The individuals named in the case are Police Constable Ramesh Baburao Kekan, and his sons Parth Ramesh Kekan, and Atharva Ramesh Kekan, all from Wakad. Assistant Police Inspector Vikram Salunkhe has reported this incident to Walchand Nagar Police Station.
According to the police, Constable Ramesh Kekan is assigned to the Pune Rural Police Headquarters and holds an arms license. Three years ago, the Kekan family moved to Kalas village in the Indapur Taluka, where Kekan’s son Parth fired a revolver into the air. The shooting was recorded by Kekan’s other son, Atharva, on a mobile phone. Parth recently shared the footage of the incident on social media.
The investigation revealed that Constable Kekan had provided the revolver to his son Parth. Hence, a case has been registered against the constable and his two sons.