The accused is identified as Amit Ankush Napte, a 29-year-old resident of Karandi, Shirur. A 29-year-old woman from Model Colony lodged the complaint. The two were introduced to each other on social media, which led to them becoming good friends. The accused developed a romantic relationship with the woman and lured her into the idea of marriage. He frequently invited her to places like Hotel Sandeep Lodge and Hotel Radiant, where they engaged in physical relations. The woman was threatened that if she refused to comply, the marriage would not happen.
Eventually, the woman discovered that the man was already married. When she confronted him about it, he claimed that he did not get along with his wife and assured her that he would soon get a divorce.
It was also promised to the victim that he would take her to his village and introduce her to his parents.
Upon bringing her to his village, the accused verbally abused her and made threats to kill her. Additionally, the accused’s father also intimidated the victim. The accused stated, “I am well-known in this area. No one can touch me. I will frame you in a false case.”
Assistant Police Inspector Savita Sapkale is conducting a further investigation into the situation.