Avani, who has grown up in a culturally rich environment, receives training in singing, kirtan, and theater from Anjali Karadkar at Kalapini. She actively participates in various events organized by Kalapini, such as the children’s theater camp and Diwali Pahat. Avani has won numerous awards in competitions like the Manache Shlok Recitation Contest and the Children’s Drama Contest. Her talent has also taken her abroad, where she performed kirtans in Belgium and the Netherlands. Additionally, Avani is learning Kathak dance and is currently studying in the 9th grade at Sulochana Natu Vidya Mandir, part of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
There is a growing belief that with her exceptional singing talent, dedication, and the blessings of her well-wishers, Avani will continue to make Talegaon and Pune proud on this grand stage.