Video of Lamborghini, Porsche, Aston Martin, at Zomato office goes viral. Netizens say,” ₹6 platform fees se kya kya ho sakta hai.”

Additionally, the video captures several other luxury cars belonging to Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa, including an Audi, a Mercedes, and a BMW Z4 M40i.

The video’s viral status has prompted a flood of comments on social media. Users have humorously linked the impressive car collection to Zomato’s ₹6 platform fee, which is charged on every order. “See what happens with ₹6 platform fee,” one commenter wrote. Others joked about the fee’s impact, with remarks like, “If you earn so much through platform fees and from restaurants and customers, your parking will look like this.”

Some users went further, with one quipping, “Bought supercar with my 6 rupees,” and another suggesting, “Investors money burning.”

This showcase of luxury vehicles not only underscores the success of these companies’ executives but also provides a humorous look at how business practices can sometimes be linked to extravagant lifestyles in the eyes of the public.