Sean Combs, also known as Puff Daddy, Puffy, or Diddy, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, and entrepreneur.  Sean Combs as Puff DaddyOpens in a new window

He was born Sean John Combs on November 4, 1969, in Harlem, New York City.

He dropped out of Howard University to pursue a career in the music industry.

He dropped out of Howard University to pursue a career in the music industry.

In 1993, he founded Bad Boy Records, a record label that has launched the careers of many successful artists, including Notorious B.I.G., The Weeknd, and French Montana.

In 1993, he founded Bad Boy Records, a record label that has launched the careers of many successful artists, including Notorious B.I.G., The Weeknd, and French Montana.

He has won three Grammy Awards and two MTV Video Music Awards.

He has won three Grammy Awards and two MTV Video Music Awards.

He has produced and starred in several films, including "Monster's Ball" and "A Chance to Shine."

He has produced and starred in several films, including "Monster's Ball" and "A Chance to Shine."

He has also launched several successful fashion brands, including Sean John and Cîroc vodka.

He has also launched several successful fashion brands, including Sean John and Cîroc vodka.

He is a vocal advocate for social justice and has founded several charitable organizations, including the Sean Combs Foundation and the Revolt Media & TV network.

He is a vocal advocate for social justice and has founded several charitable organizations, including the Sean Combs Foundation and the Revolt Media & TV network.

He has an estimated net worth of over $1 billion.

He has an estimated net worth of over $1 billion.

He is considered to be one of the most influential figures in hip-hop history.

He is considered to be one of the most influential figures in hip-hop history.