Ganeshotsav Noise Pollution In Pune: Experts Warn Of Permanent Deafness

“Loud sounds have adverse effects on the body, leading to problems like loss of concentration, headache, and stress,” she explained. “If not treated in time, sudden loud noises can perforate the eardrum, resulting in permanent deafness. It’s crucial to take precautions to protect one’s hearing health.”

Another ear-nose-throat specialist, shared a disturbing example. “A 40-year-old businessman, who erected speaker walls, came to me with permanent deafness. Delayed treatment forced him to use an earpiece, and he eventually closed his business.” This case highlights the severe consequences of neglecting hearing health.

Individuals most at risk of deafness include those constantly exposed to loud noises, industrial workers, and regular earphone users. To mitigate these risks, experts recommend avoiding prolonged exposure to loud noises, using earplugs or cotton balls, limiting headphone use, taking regular breaks, and keeping gadget volume levels minimal.

“Citizens must prioritize their hearing health during Ganeshotsav,” he urged. “Don’t ignore deafness or discomfort; consult a doctor immediately. Timely treatment can significantly reduce the risk of permanent deafness.”

As the festivities continue, it’s essential to remain aware of the potential risks associated with noise pollution. By taking simple precautions, individuals can protect their hearing health and enjoy the celebrations responsibly.

The city’s health department has also issued guidelines to minimize noise pollution during Ganeshotsav. Citizens are encouraged to report excessive noise complaints to the authorities.