Meet Tathagar Avatar Tulsi who earned PhD at 21, became an IIT professor at 22 but is now unemployed

Tulsi’s academic achievements have always been noteworthy. At 17, he started his PhD program at IISc, where he was well-regarded by the faculty for his dedication and amiable nature. His doctoral research focused on “Generalizations of the Quantum Search Algorithm,” and he co-authored a paper with Lov Grover titled “A New Algorithm for Fixed-point Quantum Search,” although it was never published. In August 2021, his application for a different position was rejected by then-President Ramnath Kovind.

Once considered among Asia’s most gifted children, Tulsi was dubbed “Superteen” by Science, “Physics Prodigy” by The Times, and “Master Mind” by The Week. Tulsi now finds himself shifting his focus. In an effort to navigate this difficult period, he has turned his attention to studying law, aiming to forge a new path in his professional life.