“From a very early age, I used to put hardcore pressure..,” says Nawazuddin Siddiqui on teaching daughter Shora to have good taste in art

The actor is also a strong advocate for literature, urging people, especially the younger generation, to read more. “Read Manto, Premchand, Bharat Muni’s Natyashastra… we have great writers in our country,” he advised. He expressed his concerns about the negative effects of constant online browsing and believes that reading and engaging with art are essential for intellectual and emotional growth.

Reflecting on broader societal issues, he emphasized the need for a change in how children are nurtured today. “The whole ecosystem is to be blamed. Entire fabric will have to be changed,” he concluded.

On the professional front, Nawazuddin Siddiqui continues to work on several upcoming projects, including ‘Section 108’ and ‘Noorani Chehra’.