WhatsApp Image 2024 08 24 at 9.52.05 PM

Centre Approves Unified Pension Scheme, Ensuring 50% of Salary as Pension for Government Employees

NPS subscribers can choose to switch to the UPS, which offers a guaranteed pension starting from the next financial year. This new scheme will be effective from April 1, 2025, and the benefits, including arrears, will apply to those who retire until March 31, 2025. The decision to approve the UPS comes amid discussions in …

Pune Fire Brigade Saves Two Stranded in Mutha River Near Shivane

Daring Rescue: Pune Fire Brigade Saves Two Stranded in Mutha River Near Shivane

Pune, 24th August 2024: In a dramatic rescue operation, two people stranded in the Mutha River near Shivane were safely rescued by the fire brigade today. The incident occurred at around 4:28 PM near Dangat Patil Estate, Kaman No. 1, when the control room received information that two individuals were trapped on an island in …

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Savour the Flavours of Janmashtami: Top 10 Recipes for the Festive Feast

Makhana Kheer: Creamy and Delicious Dessert No Janmashtami feast is complete without a bowl of Makhana Kheer. This creamy dessert, made with lotus seeds, milk, and ghee, is rich and indulgent. The soft texture of the roasted makhanas paired with the sweetness of thickened milk creates a dish that is both comforting and satisfying. Garnished with …

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Pune : खडकवासला धरणातून विसर्ग वाढवला नदीकाठच्या परिसरात शिरले पाणी

एमपीसी न्यूज- धरण परिसरात आज (शनिवारी) सकाळपासून सुरू असलेल्या पावसामुळे खडकवासला (Pune)धरणातून सायंकाळी सहाच्या सुमारास पाण्याचा विसर्ग वाढवण्यात आला आहे. यामुळे पुणे शहरातील नदी परिसरातील सखल भागात पाणी शिरले आहे. मुठा कालवा पाठबंधारे उपविभागाचे दिलेल्या माहितीनुसार, सायंकाळी 6 च्या सुमारास खडकवासला धरणातून विसर्ग वाढवून 19 हजार 118 वरून 23 हजार 122 क्युसेक करण्यात आला आहे. …

Malshej Ghat

Pune Weather Update: Heavy Rainfall Predicted For Next Few Days, Red Alert For Ghat Areas

Pune, 24th August 2024: This year, Maharashtra has experienced substantial rainfall, prompting the India Meteorological Department (IMD) to issue a red alert for Pune today and tomorrow, with an orange alert expected on 26th August. The heavy rains across the district have significantly increased water levels in nearly all dams, leading to additional water releases …


Start Your Day Right: 7 Foods and Drinks to Avoid on an Empty Stomach for Better Digestion and Health

Starting your day with the right food choices can significantly impact your digestion and overall well-being. While many foods and drinks are nutritious, consuming them on an empty stomach might cause digestive discomfort or other health issues. Here’s a quick guide on what to avoid first thing in the morning: 1. Citrus FruitsCitrus fruits like …

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Talewade : आमदार महेश लांडगे यांच्या प्रयत्नांना यश; तळवडेतील टॉवरच्या जागी मोनोपॉल उभारणार

एमपीसी न्यूज – तळवडेतील सहयोगनगर येथील वाहतुकीच्या रस्त्यामध्ये 40 वर्षांपासून असलेला (Talewade)टॉवर अखेर हटविण्यात येणार आहे. त्याजागी मोनोपॉल उभारण्यात येणार आहे. त्यासाठीची निविदा महापालिकेने प्रसिद्ध केली आहे. मोनोपॉल कमी जागेत उभारल्याने सहयोगनगर ते त्रिवेणीनगर दरम्यान होणारी वाहतूक कोंडी सुटणार आहे. परिसरातील नागरिकांना दिलासा मिळणार आहे. यासाठी भोसरीचे आमदार महेश लांडगे यांनी पाठपुरावा केला होता. महापालिकेच्या …