Pune Citizens Score Victory As NGT Orders Revision Of Tree Felling Proposal For Sadhu Vaswani Overbridge


Ameet Singh, an applicant in the case, hailed the NGT’s decision as “a small victory” and expressed gratitude for the directions that will save many trees in the area. Singh emphasized that more efforts are needed to protect Pune’s green cover and heritage trees.

The joint committee’s report revealed that the PMC had erroneously identified trees for cutting, prompting the NGT to order the removal of serial numbers painted in red on these trees. The committee recommended quashing the PMC’s original proposal to cut 61 trees and instead submitting a revised proposal for 18 trees that have been physically identified for felling.

The NGT also warned authorities that future errors would result in fines. The tribunal praised citizens for their efforts in saving the trees and directed the PMC to comply with the committee’s recommendations, including compensatory planting, transplantation, and involvement of citizens’ forums in plantation drives.

This verdict marks a significant milestone in the fight to preserve Pune’s environmental heritage. As Singh noted, “We will continue to fight for our green cover and heritage trees.”

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