Pune couple’s IT training initiative helps tier-3 graduates achieve Rs.13 LPA salaries

Ritesh Sharma, Founder & MD of 3RI Technologies, shared in an interview, “We knew we had to do something. The education system wasn’t preparing students for the real world, and we wanted to change that.” This insight was reinforced by a recent Economic Survey highlighting that only 51.25% of Indian graduates are considered employable.

Determined to make a difference, the Sharmas left their lucrative roles at Oracle and Siemens, investing their savings into starting 3RI Technologies from a modest rented space in Pune. “It wasn’t easy, but we had a dream,” said Rupali Sharma, Co-founder & Technical Director. “We wanted to empower the common youth of Bharat with the skills they needed to thrive in the IT world.”

Initially, growth was slow as the Sharmas bootstrapped their venture and worked tirelessly to place students in jobs. Their efforts paid off, with 3RI Technologies now successfully placing over 750 students each year in top companies. Their approach focuses on providing affordable, industry-relevant training rather than charging companies for recruitment, aligning with their mission to make students employable rather than profit from their success.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant challenge, halting in-person classes and revenue. “Suddenly, our offline training revenue dropped to zero,” Rupali recounted. Nonetheless, the Sharmas adapted by transitioning to online classes, which not only allowed them to continue operations but also expanded their reach internationally. “Even students from abroad started joining our classes,” Rupali noted.

Today, 3RI Technologies offers a variety of courses, including job-oriented programs for fresh graduates, upskilling courses for working professionals, and mid-term programs for those returning to the workforce. Their inclusive approach means they welcome students from diverse educational and financial backgrounds, providing up to 50% scholarships for economically weaker sections.

As 3RI Technologies celebrates 15 years, the Sharmas are focused on further expansion. “We have a team of 30 dynamic people, and we’re looking to train and place more than 2,000 students this financial year,” Ritesh announced. They are also considering investment and franchise opportunities to scale their impact.

From humble beginnings to becoming a prominent name in IT training, 3RI Technologies embodies a commitment to educational empowerment. The Sharmas’ journey reflects their dedication to not only teaching technical skills but also providing hope and opportunity to students across Bharat.