Pune, 21st August 2024: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Mangaldas Bandal, former Chairman of Pune Zilla Parishad, following raids on his properties in Shikrapur, Burunjwadi, and Mohammadwadi. During the raids, several documents were seized, and information regarding Bandal’s bank accounts was obtained. Bandal’s arrest by the ED occurred late last night.
Previously, the Income Tax Department had also taken action against Bandal. The ED raided Bandal’s homes in Shikrapur and Mohammadwadi, where they confiscated documents.
Bandal has also been implicated by the Pune Police under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act of 1999 (MCOCA) for allegedly threatening a well-known bullion businessman. Additionally, he was involved in the Shivajirao Bhosale Sahakari Bank Limited embezzlement case. Although nominated by the Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA) for the Lok Sabha elections, his candidacy was canceled due to his criminal background. Sources suggest that Bandal is now preparing to contest the Shirur Constituency in the upcoming Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections.