Google VideoPoet: Turn Words into Worlds with the Power of AI

Google VideoPoet

Imagine crafting a captivating video simply by describing it in text. With Google’s innovative AI tool, VideoPoet, that vision becomes reality. This exciting development pushes the boundaries of video creation, empowering anyone to become a video maker, regardless of prior experience. Unleashing Creativity through Text Prompts VideoPoet acts like a bridge between your imagination and…… Continue reading Google VideoPoet: Turn Words into Worlds with the Power of AI

Categorized as AI Tools

If you use these 10 phrases regularly, you have very high level of emotional intelligence

If you use these 10 phrases regularly, you have very high level of emotional intelligence

1. “I understand how you feel”: Empathy in action. You show you’re listening and trying to connect. 2. “I’m sorry, I was wrong”: Humility and growth mindset. You take responsibility and pave the way to move on. 3. “Can you help me understand?”: Openness to learning. You show respect for another’s perspective and actively seek clarity.…… Continue reading If you use these 10 phrases regularly, you have very high level of emotional intelligence

Categorized as Motivation